A pic of a girl with heat coming off her body and the words the truth about the thermo diet

The Truth About the Thermo Diet

If you are reading this right now that means you’re probably wondering what the thermo diet is and most importantly is it legit. If you are anything like me then you have been trying to lose weight and it seems like nothing works.

So why would this be any different? Let’s take a closer look and see if this could be a healthy way to lose fat with less effort.

First, we have to understand what the Thermo Diet is.

What is the Thermo Diet?

A body and cells with DNA look and words what is the thermo diet

The Thermo Diet is not just another one of those fad diets, but rather a lifestyle change that focuses on improving your body’s hormonal balance to help boost your metabolism. This consists of you eating nutrient-dense foods that heat the body to burn more calories and help produce more of the hormones that make us feel energized, focused, and satiated.

The best part is this works for everybody no matter age or sex. Both men and women alike are trying this diet and seeing amazing benefits.

A major advantage of the Thermo Diet is that it’s not about restricting calories or certain food groups (although you can if you want to lose weight faster) – it’s about choosing the right types of foods that support your body’s natural processes. This means no more feeling hungry or deprived, which is often the downfall of traditional diets. With the Thermo Diet, you’re feeding your body what it needs to function at its best.

Key Benefits

A man showing his abs with the words benefits of the thermo diet.

As I said before this isn’t like other fad diets, this is a lifestyle that shows you the scientific way to eat to lose fat!

This lifestyle has many benefits such as:

  • Overcome metabolic issues

  • Balanced hormones

  • Lose fat easily

  • Improve thyroid function

  • Endless energy

  • Healthy sex drive

  • Deep sleep

  • Improved mood

  • Improves focus and memory

To achieve these benefits, you have to know what to do and what not to do. It’s not just about healthy eating. Although a healthy diet is very important there is more to it than just eating.

So, I put together a step-by-step list so you can reach your optimal health goals.

Steps of the Thermo Lifestyle

A marker with 1 2 3 circled with arrows pointing to each one with the word's steps of the thermo diet.

Step #1. Eat the right foods

Thermo is short for thermogenesis. Thermogenesis is basically the process of your body heating up to burn more calories. There are certain foods you can eat that promote thermogenesis.

This occurs because certain foods are more difficult for your body to break down, so your body has to work harder to digest them. This leads to your body temp rising, which burns more calories.

Here is a list of foods this diet encourages you to eat.

A picture of blueberries and straw berries.

Foods to Eat

  • Berries

  • Plantains

  • Grass-fed beef and eggs

  • Turkey

  • Raw dairy products

  • Coconut oil, ghee, avocado oil

  • Coffee

  • Water

  • Kombucha

  • Organic wine

Step #2. Avoid certain foods

This diet has strict guidelines that don’t all make sense to me. Some things such as sugars are good, vegetables are bad and much more.

The most confusing thing to me is that some of these foods they say to avoid are thermogenic foods. Even with that said there are many success stories on their website. Also, there are a lot of things that make sense and will without a doubt get you results.

Here is a list of foods to avoid.

Foods to Avoid

  • Polyunsaturated fats

  • Mint tea

  • Beans

  • Nuts

  • Flax

  • Beer

  • Grains, including oatmeal

  • Artificial sweeteners

Step #3. Take the Right Supplements

Supplements are a great addition to any diet. They can help your body in many different ways and are necessary to get critical micronutrients.

Here is a list that this diet encourages you to take.

four bottles of supplements with the words thermo supplements.

Supplements To Use

  • Vitamin E

  • Choline

  • Beatine HCL

  • “Nutra Truth Supplements”

Step #4. Avoid Certain Supplements

This is another confusing one. They say fish oil is bad for your health. There is no proof this is true but like I said before there could be a method to this madness.

Supplements to Avoid

  • Fish oil

Step #5. Daily Activities

As said before this is more of a lifestyle change and not a diet. Just eating healthy food is not going to magically solve all your problems.

Adding exercise and sunlight is proven to help with physical and mental health.

Here is a short list of daily activities encouraged by the thermo lifestyle.

A woman running on the doc with words daily activities at the bottom.

Daily Activities

  • 30 minutes of direct sunlight exposure

  • 30-60 minutes of high-intensity daily exercise

  • Use of red light therapy on “key areas”

Step #6. Follow Nutritional Guidelines

Most diets have nutritional guidelines to follow and this one is no different. Although unlike most diets this one encourages high carbs.

Here are the guidelines.

Food around a note pad that says nutrition plan with the word's nutrition guidelines.

Nutritional guidelines

  • High carbohydrate (50% of total calories)

  • Moderate protein (30% of total calories)

  • Moderate fat (20% of total calories)

The Thermo Diet Book

The Thermo Diet (book) is by Christopher Walker. This book claims to help you solve your metabolic issues and make it simple losing weight by consuming foods and following their step-by-step guide. Most people feel like they are on an endless hamster wheel and can’t get a lean physique to save their lives.

About the Author

Christopher Walker is the CEO & Co-founder of UMZU. He is the first person to graduate from Duke University’s neuroscience program in just 3 years.

He studied a range of topics from endocrinology, to behavioral economics, learning & memory, neurobiology, & AI, Christopher’s obsession with human nature and biology helped him to heal his own brain tumor naturally without drugs or surgery.

Disgusted with his negative experiences with the medical establishment, Christopher Walker has spent the past decade creating natural health products and teaching millions of men & women around the world how to use nutrition, strategic supplementation, and physical training to heal their nagging health issues naturally.

(I don’t agree with everything he says but I also didn’t heal my own brain tumor)

Final Thoughts

A man thinking with the word's final thoughts on the thermo diet.

While I have done a lot of research and agree with most of the things like the lies mass media tells you, the pharmaceutical industry propaganda, and the benefit of thermogenesis and eating a balanced diet. I don’t agree with staying away from vegetables, fish oil and ingesting more sugar and salt. That just doesn’t make sense to me.

If you want to give this a try, I suggest buying the book and following the guidelines for at least a couple of months and making your own decision if it works or not. Keep in mind this is a lifestyle and you are not going to lose fat easily or balance your hormones in a week or so.

A good alternative would be to meet somewhere in the middle like I do. I eat thermogenic foods and take thermogenic fat burners. I also eat vegetables and stay away from sugar. (Because it makes me feel like crap)

If you do have a lot of weight to lose quickly you may consider a caloric-deficient “thermo diet”. This is better than traditional diets because the thermo diet proteomes fat utilization very well. Which means it breaks down your stored fat and uses it for energy. So yes, you can be burning body fat and full of energy on this twist of the thermo diet. This is what I am doing, and it is working for me. It’s not technically the thermo diet but it’s a diet that uses thermogenesis for fat loss. I hope this helps you on your weight loss journey. If you have any questions, please leave a comment and I will get back to you as soon as I can. Stay healthy my friends!


Thermo Diet – The Official Website

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