a bottle of chemix cortibloc with the words cortibloc review

Chemix Cortibloc Review: Is the Gorilla Chemist Legit?

In this Chemix Cortibloc review we will tell you all about the pros and cons and my personal experience with this supplement. But first let’s talk about why you need chemix cortibloc.

Stress seems to be part of our lives and research shows that 75% of Americans are stressed! So, should we just live with stress levels without it? No, you definitely should not! Even if you can handle it mentally, your body cannot. When you get stressed your body releases cortisol also known as the stress hormone.

Science has proven that elevated cortisol levels can cause stress on your adrenal system which causes fatigue, gain fat in your belly and exhaustion. That’s not all, high cortisol levels can also reduce your body’s ability to fight off infections and heal, exposing you to a higher risk of illness and disease.

We have to fight back against these elevated cortisol levels. You can do meditation and yoga but there’s nothing like Cortibloc.

King of cortisol blockers
a bottle of chemix cortibloc

Chemix Corticloc

The science has proven that elevated cortisol levels cause stress on your adrenal system causing fatigue, rapid weight gain, stress and exhaustion. This is why The Guerrilla Chemist formulated his newest, highly potent product, Cortibloc.

What is Cortibloc?

Cortibloc is a premium cortisol manager, blocker, and non stimulant fat burner. This product not only helps reduce cortisol levels but aids in relieving stress that makes your body want to retain unwanted fat.

Cortibloc is designed by the Gorilla Chemist and is simply made to regulate cortisol levels. There are many ways to relieve stress, but only one way to stop elevated cortisol levels.

First, let’s dive in and take a look at the key ingredients

Chemix Cortibloc Ingredients

a women getting pills out of a bottle with the word ingredients on top.
  • Emodin- Emodin inhibits 11β-HSD1 by blocking the enzyme site from sending a hydride from NADP to cortisone to produce cortisol. Studies show emodin inhibits the enzyme by up to 46% in adipose tissue(fat cells) which means your body is producing almost half of the cortisol it normally would. This can lead to fat loss, reduction in stress, decreased insulin resistance and increased insulin sensitivity. Emodin also reduced fasting blood glucose levels by 77% after being taken orally for 7 days, as well as overall plasma insulin levels by 66% relative to the control. In another study, emodin was shown to reduce appetite and body weight in mice(13.9% reduction in body weight).

  • Black pepper extract- Unfortunately, the oral bioavailability is very low. To fix this issue, we added a large dose of piperine, commonly known as black pepper extract. In a study combining emodin with piperine showed a marked increase in bioavailability via inhibiting glucuronidation. This is the process where a glucose molecule is attached to emodin to make it more water soluble and easy to expel from the body. By stopping this process, the piperine allows emodin to be absorbed and inhibit the formation of cortisol and help you meet and exceed your weight loss goals. This product can be taken by both men and women and works especially well for high-intensity athletes and fitness competitors who want a dense muscular physique.

Health Benefits of Cortibloc

  • Weight Loss Support- When you are stressed out you will have increased body fat and nothing seems to get rid of it. After taking Cortibloc for a week or two you will see a noticeable difference in your belly. It helps burn unwanted fat faster than a stimulant fat burner. The fat loss is surprisingly fast.

  • Muscle Preservation- Cortibloc helps to preserve muscle tissue during cutting cycles. We all know that when you are trying to lean out it can be a struggle to keep your hard-earned gains from the off-season.

  • Increased Strength and Power- This helps to increase your strength and power during intense workouts. This is due to its ability to regulate cortisol levels. By keeping them low you will be able to push harder in the gym and lift heavier weights while still recovering from previous workouts faster than ever before.

  • Improve Adrenal Gland Function- Cortibloc helps to improve adrenal gland function by decreasing cortisol production. This is important for overall health as the adrenal glands play a big role in many different bodily functions including metabolism, immune system, stress response and more.

  • Boost Energy Levels- Cortibloc can help boost energy levels so that you can stay productive all day long. This is due to its ability to regulate cortisol and blood glucose metabolism which keeps your organs running smoothly.

  • Improve Mood- When your hormones are balanced out you feel so much better so it’s no mystery why you would be in a better mood when taking this dietary supplement.

  • Improve Stamina- When taking this supplement I’ve noticed my stamina in the gym and the bedroom has gone way up. This is because my central nervous system is no longer fatigued and neither am I.

How to use

When I started I only took one per day for the first week just for my body to get used to it. (It gives some people gas)I suggest you do the same. After that, you can take up to 4 a day depending on how stressed out you are. (I take 4 a day).

Let’s break it down:

  • Start by taking 1 a day for the first 7 days

  • After that, you can take up to 4 a day

  • Do not take them all at one time

  • Take 2 in the afternoon, then 2 at bedtime

  • Only take for 4 weeks at a time (even if you have some leftovers in the bottle)

  • Then take 4 weeks off

  • Then you can resume but make sure to do 4 weeks on, 4 weeks off

Pros and Cons of Cortibloc

A zoomed in bottle of cortibloc with designs around it.


  • Helps burn unwanted fat

  • Improves stamina

  • Improves mood

  • Increased energy

  • Improves brain function

  • Works great for men and women


  • Expensive

  • Can give you extreme gas until your body gets used to it

My Experience with Chemix Cortibloc

I’m on my 2nd bottle of Chemix Cortibloc and I am so thankful for this product. I have been on a weight loss journey for about 4 months and I had low T. So regular weight loss supplements were not working like they should.

So I started taking test boosters and they did up my testosterone but I was still having symptoms of low T. When I did some research I found that high cortisol levels can make you feel like you have low T when your levels are fine. High cortisol will mess up your entire body in every way.

If you feel like shit and everything else checks out, you probably have high cortisol. I was miserable while I was working out, eating healthy and taking test boosters, I was about to give up.

Then I found Chemix Cortibloc! I have lost 20 pounds, love handles are gone and I feel great and am a monster in the bedroom.

The moral of the story is high cortisol will fuck your life and your central nervous system up! Nothing works better than Cortibloc. Whether you want to lose weight or just feel better, I highly suggest you give this a try!

Final Thoughts on Cortibloc Review

Cortibloc is a premium cortisol manager, blocker and fat burner with proven metabolism-boosting support. This product not only helps reduce cortisol levels but helps with relieving stress that makes your body want to retain unwanted fat. It is alot more effective than other supplements that reduce cortisol.

If you are looking for a strong supplement to support your weight loss goals or just want to feel more energized, Cortibloc is the product for you. It is pricey but worth every penny and if taken as directed it will provide amazing results, I Guarantee it!

If you’re not sure about your health I highly recommend talking to your doctor to make sure you are healthy enough to take this supplement.


Does Cortibloc work for women trying to lose belly fat?

Yes, Cortibloc works for both men’s and women’s weight loss goals.

Does lowering cortisol lower belly fat?

You can reduce cortisol belly fat by reducing your cortisol levels. Do this by reducing your stress, getting enough sleep, and living in sync with your circadian rhythm. Caffeine and high-intensity exercise can also contribute to high cortisol levels.





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