Who Am I?

I am Bryan Carney, born in Akron, Ohio in 1987. I used to be in excellent physical condition and actively participated in various sports, with skateboarding being a particular favorite. However, when I was 14 years old, things took a turn for the worse. I attempted a skateboard trick involving 14 stairs, and unfortunately, it went horribly wrong, resulting in a torn ACL. This incident resulted in two significant surgeries, marking a pivotal moment in my life. The recovery process was lengthy. Despite being only 14 years old, I was prescribed large quantities of oxycontin due to the severity of the injury. I was too young and naive to comprehend the severity of those drugs and the gripping addiction that accompanies them. Especially with the pills being FDA approved and said to be less addictive, I had no reason to question our healthcare system’s trustworthiness, so I followed the prescribed dosage. This paved the way for over a decade of battling addiction, attempting sobriety countless times but ending up in disappointment.

Why I Do This!

When I became a father, I realized the need for change but felt unable to accomplish it alone. Consequently, I made the decision to pursue medicated assisted treatment and started taking methadone. There was no information about the possible side effects and received reassurance that most of the concerns and rumors I had heard were baseless myths. There was no reason to be anxious, as these treatments were verified to be both safe and efficacious.

Much to my dismay, I found myself yet again deceived by our healthcare system. After starting the medication, I experienced discomfort in my nipples, gained 80 pounds of fat, and noticed a decline in my sex drive. Concerned, I consulted the doctors who, attributing it to my age, suggested trying more prescription drugs for erectile dysfunction and low sex drive. I did not feel like myself.

Additionally, I was experiencing hot flashes and heightened emotions, which I initially attributed to post-acute withdrawal or needing to adjust my dosage. However, even after the doctor increased my daily dosage, these symptoms persisted. I was honestly surprised to find out that the root cause was actually low testosterone, not withdrawal. Gotta admit, though, I was a bit caught off guard by the apparent lack of professionalism displayed by the system. It’s disheartening how it fails to offer any guidance or warning whatsoever.

Finally, I had to gradually wean myself off it, and now, at the age of 36, I have many years clean, and I feel better than ever. If hadn’t taken the initiative to educate myself and had solely relied on doctors, I would never have achieved such optimal health by simply believing that the medication dosage was sufficient.

The Big Picture

The most disheartening aspect is that this pattern extends beyond just one medication or one group of doctors—it pervades the entire healthcare industry. Instead of addressing the underlying causes, they merely mask the problems with numerous medications, fully aware of the potential harm they may cause. Profit seems to be the driving force, rather than genuinely helping people to maintain their well-being. While it’s true that most aren’t like this, it’s crucial not to gamble with your health and well-being.

While it’s important to trust the healthcare system, it’s equally crucial to conduct independent research and ensure what’s best for your well-being. Remember, nobody has a greater concern for your health than you do, as you are the one who understands your body the most. This is precisely why I formed Carney Cares, as my aim is to genuinely assist others by sharing my experiences and providing guidance to those facing similar challenges within the healthcare system. After further education, I came to the realization that it’s not only the healthcare system that is flawed, but also the food and beverage industry. Most food we eat can cause imbalanced hormones and many diseases.

Did You Know?

Were you aware that 90% of diseases stem from our lifestyle choices? This indicates that we have the power to completely evade them if we make mindful decisions. That’s why it’s crucial to have knowledge and understanding of what we consume and how it affects us. By living our best lives and prioritizing our well-being, we can truly enjoy the time we have left.

Personally, I turned to drugs seeking that sense of contentment, but through adopting a healthy lifestyle and taking care of myself,I now experience consistent well-being and boundless energy. Most importantly, I am proud of the progress I have made and the path I am on. If I can overcome these challenges, I know that you can too.

I am Here for You

Regardless of how depleted your energy may feel or how much weight you desire to lose, taking consistent steps in the right direction can lead you to success. I am here to support you every step of the way. If you need guidance or assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Together, we will set you on the right track. Rest assured, I, Bryan Carney, genuinely care about your well-being.